Saturday, September 17, 2005

Going forward

I'm in the hot seat now. I agreed to PTO president for a second year in a row - (the current one had to step down). NOBODY else even interested. Sitting at a table with 12 women, asking for someone to step up, and stone silence. Lost of people want to help, nobody wants to lead. Fortunately we have really GOOD support people. One woman did step up to VP. I think she has potential, hopefully I can nurture her successfully.
What's really bugging me is the reception I'm getting. No "thank goodness, thank you for making the sacrifice, we're so glad", mostly just "oh, nobody else would do it?" A reasonable question, but not making me feel especially valued. I hope I'm not doing this in vain. I have to work hard to protect myself this year, and not give this job my soul. More on maintaining priorities later. It is easy to proclaim family first, harder to do.

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