Sunday, January 04, 2009

Can you SEE it?

I was reading a post at Soul Shelter about visualizing success. The old "If you can SEE it you can BE it" theory. Makes sense, I guess, but sometimes I just don't know what to see? Sure, I want to be successful, but what is that? Big house, nice cars like those folks making $10,000 a week from home on TV? Not really me.

Right now, success feels like having all the bills paid on time with something left over. How do you visualize that? I'd love to put everything on automatic payments and know that there will be money to cover the bills. But I can't exactly visualize NOT paying my bills, or NOT checking my bank balance!

So I guess I need to rethink my own vision of my future. Our website is starting to gather steam, I'm finding new revenue streams doing work I like; things are looking up even if just slightly. So if I had to envision a successful lifestyle for myself, it would include:

  • one grant project scheduled for every school month
  • regular classes in digistuff both online and off that regularly fill
  • interesting special projects to choose from at a premium fee so it feels worth it to expend the time
  • no debt beyond the house, and maybe even paying off the house
  • two good cars - and maybe decent cars for kids too
  • cash cushion of 6 months expenses
  • Set my own schedule so I can maintain good eating and healthy exercise habits
  • the ability to turn down work so that I can do other things for no pay
Looking at that, a lot of my desires require a healthy financial situation - no debt, good income, reasonable expenses. AND all those things are things I can influence if not completely control!

Next up - Goalsetting!